December 23, 2019

Erwin Rauch from the Free University of Bolzano (unibz) receives the Research Award of the province of South Tyrol for young scientists. What new opportunities arise for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from robotics, digitalization, the linkage of man and machine and artificial intelligence? Erwin Rauch from the Faculty of Science and Technology at unibz focused his research in Industry 4.0 for SMEs. His services to knowledge transfer in the field of Industry 4.0 have now earned him - in addition to numerous scientific publications on an international level - the South Tyrolean Research Prize for Young Scientists 2019. The prize money associated with this award amounts to 40,000 Euros. Rauch intends to use this money to "investigate in which sectors industry can take over biological processes from nature in order to improve production in an intelligent and sustainable way. #MSCA #RISE #H2020 #EC

December 11, 2019

On invitation of the Research Executive Agency (REA) Dr. Erwin Rauch presented the MSCA RISE project SME 4.0 at the first cluster event in the MSC program of the European Commission. The event was organized from December 10-11 2019 in Brussels to bring together specialists in the field of Artificial Intelligence to discuss results and the progress in current MSCA projects as well as to underline the importance of AI in future calls of the program.

December 4, 2019

On Monday, December 2, 2019 Dr. Rafael Angel Rojas Cordova, a visiting fellow from Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano has given a  special lecture "Simulation with FlexSim: Industrial and Health Care applications" to the faculties and students of Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University.