September 10, 2019

During the secondment at ELCOM, Dr. Patrick Dallasega and Dr. Manuel Woschank visited Prof. Vladimír Modrák and Dr. Zuzana Soltysova from the Technical University of Kosice (TUKE) to discuss the ongoing research done in collaboration with ELCOM.

September 5, 2019

Following the invitation of Prof. Sarkis and Prof. Zhu from the Foisie Business School of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Dr. Erwin Rauch from the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano gave a lecture at the PhD Seminar on “Industry 4.0 and the way towards smart and digital factories of the future”. In addition to a general introduction to Industry 4.0, it was shown which technologies this term includes and how Industry 4.0, in symbiosis with economic, ecological and social sustainability, can also be introduced in small and medium-sized enterprises. PhD students from different engineering disciplines in Entrepreneurship, Operations and Supply Chain Management as well as Information Technology participated to this event in Washburn Shops on September 4th 2019.

September 4, 2019

On 2nd September 2019 Dr. Patrick Dallasega from Free University of Bolzano – Bozen (Italy) and Dr. Manuel Woschank from Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria) started their Secondment at ELCOM in Presov. The purpose of the visit is to evaluate and propose some improvement actions for the production planning and control process of the company. Based on the initial evaluation, the researchers will extensively review how information in real-time could be useful for production planning and control concepts based on Smart Logistics approaches in order to improve inventory levels and lead times.