June 26, 2019
Six professors and scientists of Chiang Mai University from Thailand and Professor Joseph Sarkis of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) from USA are currently at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano to work with local scientists in the EU project "SME 4.0 - Industry 4.0 for SMEs". During the stays, the visiting scientists will pass on their know-how to scientists, companies, and students in the form of guest lectures, workshops, series of lectures and their research work. In addition, local scientists are supporting Chiang Mai University in setting up an industry 4.0 learning factory laboratory giving inputs based on the Smart Mini Factory Laboratory. Vice Dean Prof. Matthias Gauly from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano welcomed the international scientists in a meeting and underlined the importance of international collaborations in the field of research.